- Sciabola / Sabre Siam (ora Thailandia / now Thailand ) 1897 Acciaio, oro, rame, smalto champlevé, pietre preziose / Steel, gold, copper, champlevé enamel, precious stones Dono del re del Siam Rama V al re Umberto I / Gift from King Rama V of Siam to King Umberto I
- Khanjar (pugnale) con fodero / Khanjar (dagger) with scabbard Area persiana / Persian area 1815 (1230 dell’Egira secondo il calendario persiano) / 1815 (1230 of the Persian Jalali calendar) Damasco wootz, fornimento e fodero in rame smaltato / Wootz steel, ornamentation and scabbard in enamelled copper
- Lance di stato / Lances of state Giava / Java Secolo XVIII-XIX / 18th-19th century Damasco saldato, legno, ferro, ottone, bronzo, oro, argento / Welded Damascus steel, wood, iron, brass, bronze, gold, silver
- Lance di stato / Lances of state Giava / Java Secolo XVIII-XIX / 18th-19th century Damasco saldato, legno, ferro, ottone, bronzo, oro, argento / Welded Damascus steel, wood, iron, brass, bronze, gold, silver
- Lance di stato / Lances of state Giava / Java Secolo XVIII-XIX / 18th-19th century Damasco saldato, legno, ferro, ottone, bronzo, oro, argento / Welded Damascus steel, wood, iron, brass, bronze, gold, silver